FLL Scrimmage
This year, was our team's 5th year hosting our annual FLL Scrimmage. Every year, before FLL competitions begin, we have a mock competition, with all judging rooms and robot games to get all of the teams in our district, or within our area, prepared for their upcoming competitions. All of the team's did very well at this competition. The most important part of our work is that we gave feed back of what teams should work on to make them even better. Our robot games are an exact replica of the real games, so teams get a very real experience and practice before it really matters. At the end of the night we hand out awards similar to a real competition. Every year the kids have a lot of fun, and we learn so much from them.
Wisconsin FTC Kickoff
This was the 2nd annual FTC Kickoff Event in Wisconsin. Our team co-hosted with the newly returned team, PatronumBots, along with multiple other Wisconsin teams. There were teams that presented information while other new and returning teams learned, as they walked around in a trade show format. Some categories taught at the event were programming, outreach, scouting, engineering notebook, creo modeling, and robot design. Our team taught programming and answered any questions about software, whether it was basics or advanced methods. It was also a great experience to talk to and learn from other teams at the event. As well as the trade show, the game challenge was released. We are excited to start the season with Velocity Vortex! Good luck all teams!
Fox Valley Marathon Goody Bags
Two members of our team, Miranda and Lauren, were able to get together and go fill goody bags for the Marathon in the Fox Valley. The girls wore their Hortonville Robotics T-Shirts to give some basic knowledge about the team. They got asked multiple questions, on what robotics is, what FIRST is, and many more. Everyone was so pleased to hear that we were the only team in Wisconsin in that season to qualify for the World Championship and they said we represented very well, ranking 27th in the whole world. We hope to get together for more outreach events and make FIRST known more throughout our community and state!
FLL Camp
This year was our team's 6th year of hosting the FLL Camp in our district. The camp consisted of 8 teams with 58 middle school students overall. Each year we host this camp to teach students; that are interested in learning more about robotics, and returning FLL team members; about FLL in categories; such as programming, building a robot capable of completing tasks on the competition field, and team work. This year we focused a lot on making sure teams could work together well. We set up multiple tasks for them to complete as a team in hopes they would learn how to communicate efficiently. As we observed their actions we noted things that they could improve upon and how to do so. Since the FLL challenge has not been released for the upcoming season, our team creates a mock competition field with multiple levels of difficulty, for the teams to compete with as a practice before the season has begun. Students at this camp enjoy getting to know fellow peers and also learn about FLL, the hardest fun they'll ever have!
Other Events in our 2016-2017 Season
- 50/50 Raffle at WIR
- FTC Team Mentoring
- FTC Demonstration
- Fox Valley Regional Qualifier